Baby's first canvas! - $89
April 2, 2015 2:13 PM Gifts
There is nothing more magical than the very first moments of of life with your new baby!! Preserve this feeling forever with this unique stretched 10x10 canvas, created by us! All you need is to provide baby's first photo and the birth statistics, and we'll do the rest! Step 1: Find the image you want to use on your computer or your phone and drag it below to send it to us! We recommend a file that is at least 500kb but no larger than 5mb. If you have questions or are experiencing diff ......
Designer Portrait Session - $75
January 14, 2015 12:53 AM Session Pricing
A unique experience in photography! From start to finish, we'll guide you through a unique custom process that ultimately will produce outstanding photographic art. So what makes Keywest Photo so special?Two professional photographers, all with unique skill sets!Two large studios for year-round creative versatility with limitless potential!An experienced production staff to design and build your final product!Twenty-five years in the changing photography industry and a vast client base!We r ......
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